10 Guy

Ties are just, like, really long cloth necklaces

Ties are just, like,  really long cloth necklaces  10 Guy

Tampons are Dracula's tea bags

Tampons are Dracula's tea bags  10 Guy

A vending machine out of order is a robot on strike

A vending machine out of order is a robot on strike
  10 Guy

male fist bumps are like the equivalent to chicks hugging

male fist bumps are like the equivalent to chicks hugging   10 Guy

No, he didn't die He'd call us if he died

No, he didn't die He'd call us if he died  10 Guy

Pineapple Rings Are like fruit dounuts

Pineapple Rings Are like fruit dounuts  10 Guy

An island is a piece of land surrounded by land Dude! we live on a space Island

An island is a piece of land surrounded by land Dude! we live on a space Island  10 Guy

if a man is paralyzed from the waist down how does his wiener make cum?

if a man is paralyzed from the waist down how does his wiener make cum?  10 Guy

Chipotle is like a mexican subway

Chipotle is like a mexican subway
  10 Guy

portsmouth are good

portsmouth are good
  10 Guy
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