10 Guy

I want to go home soon Is already home

I want to go home soon Is already home  10 Guy

I feel like stephen hawking I can't move... but i know everything

I feel like stephen hawking I can't move...
but i know everything  10 Guy

I think pandas realize they are chinese and they are taking the one child policy too seriously.

I think pandas realize they are chinese and they are taking the one child policy too seriously.  10 Guy

Smokes Trees Becomes the spawn of satan

Smokes Trees Becomes the spawn of satan  10 Guy

Dude, turn down the volume I can't taste my macaroni

Dude, turn down the volume I can't taste my macaroni  10 Guy

Doors are for Keeping the outside from coming inside.

Doors are for Keeping the outside from coming inside.  10 Guy

"Where are my keys?" Try Calling them

"Can we turn on a window?" "I need to order some air."

says to cashier, "are you open or not?" cashier replies, "you're standing on the wrong side of the register."

says to cashier,

Wait, turn off the music I'm taking another hit

Wait, turn off the music I'm taking another hit  10 Guy
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