10 Guy

Seriously who downvotes someone who cancer?

Seriously who downvotes someone who cancer?  10 Guy

the music is hurting my eyes

the music is hurting my eyes  10 Guy

I can be What I'm hearing

I can be What I'm hearing  10 Guy

watches religulous Now hardcore Atheist

watches religulous  Now hardcore Atheist  10 Guy

Orders Popcorn at movie theater. Hands the cashier a straw.

Orders Popcorn at movie theater.  Hands the cashier a straw.   10 Guy

Went to r/trees. Was already at r/trees. "Scared the damn near hell out of me."

Went to r/trees.
Was already at r/trees.

"How high are you?" Im stoned as a kite

YOLO? Ya, ill have a rolo

YOLO? Ya, ill have a rolo  10 Guy

Sorry i cant hear you I don't have my glasses on

Sorry i cant hear you I don't have my glasses on  10 Guy

"why do you have a 2-liter of coke?" "I felt it would make me look less stonery at the counter"

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