10 Guy

Boiling Is like baking in water

Boiling Is like baking in water  10 Guy

This blunt Is a long time

This blunt Is a long time  10 Guy

Cake bites are like bundt holes

Cake bites are like bundt holes  10 Guy

A lower case 'b' is a back to front 'd'

A lower case 'b' is a back to front 'd'  10 Guy

How could I hurt myself I didn't even penguin

How could I hurt
myself I didn't even
 penguin  10 Guy

forehead is flying away must put belt around forehead

forehead is flying away must put belt around forehead  10 Guy

Dude are your doors turned off?

Dude are your doors turned off?  10 Guy

friend ask him if he wants a drink. hey can you get me a drink.

friend ask him if he wants a drink. hey can you get me a drink.  10 Guy

Dude, these eye drops make my sneezes come out

Dude, these eye drops make my sneezes come out  10 Guy

Roses are red violets are blue I fucking killed it yo!

Roses are red violets are blue I fucking killed it yo!   10 Guy
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