10 Guy

Drawers are like painters who use a pencil instead of a brush

Drawers are like painters  who use a pencil instead of a brush  10 Guy

Dude, be careful about losing weight It's not good for your health

Dude, be careful about losing weight It's not good for your health  10 Guy

Dude, I read that loud and clear

Dude, I read that loud and clear  10 Guy

I don't always drink dos equis but when i do it's beer

I don't always drink dos equis but when i do it's beer  10 Guy

You're going to the grocery store? Pick me up some toast?

You're going to the grocery store? Pick me up some toast?  10 Guy

Mints are like candy cane circles

Mints are like candy cane circles  10 Guy

I'm embarrassed to be naked in front of the cat

I'm embarrassed to be naked in front of the cat  10 Guy

Thanksgiving can be tricky It sucks when it's on a Wednesday

Thanksgiving can be tricky It sucks when it's on a Wednesday  10 Guy

When I'm a freshman in college You'll be a freshman in life

When I'm a freshman in college You'll be a freshman in life  10 Guy

Why don't the people on horders Just hoard money?

Why don't the people on horders Just hoard  money?  10 Guy
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