10 Guy

Why don't we just put the cupcake batter in one big pan and make a cupcake loaf

Why don't we just put the cupcake batter in one big pan and make a  cupcake loaf  10 Guy

Paper or plastic? To go

Paper or plastic? To go  10 Guy

Dude whenever I drive high I always have two steering wheels on the hand at all times

Dude whenever I drive high I always have two steering wheels on the hand at all times  10 Guy

dook hut no fapping

dook hut no fapping  10 Guy

So when are the Black Eyed Keys performing?

So when are the Black Eyed Keys performing?  10 Guy

Dude, what if like, trees weren't allowed to fish? wouldn't their branches snap off?

Dude, what if like, trees weren't allowed to fish? wouldn't their branches snap off?  10 Guy

Sorry what did you say? oh.No I have 20/20 hearing.

Sorry what did you say? oh.No I have 20/20 hearing.  10 Guy

I cant even Brain right now

I cant even Brain right now  10 Guy

Dude its like slowmotion in real time

Dude its like slowmotion in real time  10 Guy

i just realized that beer tastes like liquid bread

i just realized that beer tastes like liquid bread  10 Guy
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