10 Guy

Wait guys I hear footprints

Wait guys I hear footprints  10 Guy

For here or to go? "yes, go here"

For here or to go?

aquariums are like Water Zoos

aquariums are like  Water Zoos  10 Guy

A mustache is like an eyebrow for your mouth

A mustache is like an eyebrow for your mouth  10 Guy

Give a man a hamburger, He'll eat for a day. teach a man to hamburger... i'm high as fuck

Give a man a hamburger, He'll eat for a day. teach a man to hamburger... i'm high as fuck  10 Guy

"dude, where'd the Bong go?" "We have Bongos?"

Ponds Are like islands for fish

Ponds Are like islands for fish  10 Guy

Reddit is like letting other people surf the internet for me

Reddit is like letting other people surf the internet for me
  10 Guy

Gimme a Clap handshake

Gimme a  Clap handshake  10 Guy

If it were opposite day my boss would have to dress up as a penis because she's a cunt

If it were opposite day my boss would have to dress up as a penis because she's a cunt  10 Guy
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